Product Description: Wildfire HD Edition
Web Version (log-on) and API
1. General
1.1 Munich Re's Location Risk Intelligence Platform is a software as a service solution (SaaS) capable to visualize and process natural hazards and climate risk data as defined in the various data editions. The Location Risk Intelligence Platform is offered in three subscription plans with different functionalities as Business, Corporate and Enterprise. Client chooses one of the three subscription plans.
1.2 The Wildfire HD Edition of the Munich Re Location Risk Intelligence delivers as such wildfire risk related results (scores and analyses) for specifically requested locations.
1.3 The Wildfire HD Edition's results are estimates based on Munich Reinsurance Company's own or licensed data. The estimates can serve the Client as a decision-making aid. Therefore, MR Service may neither explicitly nor implicitly pledge or guarantee the completeness or accuracy of information which it has properly compiled.
1.4 General data coverage concerns RiskScore and RiskIndexes for Wildfire HD dataset, covering the US states of Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Texas and Washington, Alberta and British Columbia in Canada, and for Australia the states of New South Wales and Victoria, as well as the internal territory of Australian Capital Territory.
2. API Services of Wildfire HD Edition
2.1 General API Services
General | DistanceToCoast, PopulationDensity, NathanElevation |
2.2 Specific API Services
RiskScores | WildfireHDContinousDeliveryChannel, WildfireHDContinousDeliveryChannelInfos, WildfireHDContinousDeliveryChannelDistanceAzimutNextFirestation |
(Last updated: October 2023)